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Thuggish police declared: "Coming back to Nha Trang means getting beaten again"

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CTV Danlambao/Translated by Danlambao's reader - "Coming back to Nha Trang means getting beaten again" is a statement made by security officer named Trần Hoàng Hà and it is meant to intimidate blogger Nguyen Ho Nhat (a.k.a., Paulo Thanh Nguyen) on 4/19/2014, at the police headquarter in Loc Tho Ward (in city of Nha Trang city).

On 4/19/2014, the 3rd coffee meeting organized by Human Rights Network of Vietnam Bloggers in Nha Trang city was disrupted by thuggish police. Four bloggers involved in organizing the event including Nguyen Ngoc Nhu Quynh (Mẹ Nấm Gấu), Pham Van Hai (Viet Man), Nguyen Ho Sung (Paulo Thanh Nguyen ) and Kim Tien Trinh (Trinh Kim Kim ) were beaten brutally by the police.

Details of the case have been reported in a posting on Danlambao blog: "Nha Trang: CA triệt phá cà-phê Nhân Quyền, đánh người tàn bạo."

All 4 bloggers were then sent to a detention center at the police headquarter in Loc Tho Ward and were beaten by plainclothes security police officers.

Blogger Nguyen Ho Sung (Paulo Thanh Nguyen) said: "Nha Trang is a tourist city and I thought that it is supposed to be a very polite and civilized city. It's a surprise for me to witness police behaving like thugs."

A plainclothes security officer named Tran Hoang Ha declared in a menacing and challenging manner: "Coming back to Nha Trang means getting beaten again"

The above photograph was taken in 2008 when security police officer Tran Hoang Ha was participating in the event of confiscating the center for disabled people in Vinh Hai, Nha Trang. 

Six years ago, Mr. Tran Hoang Ha was of the rank lieutenant colonel and his main job was videotaping and using videotape footages to fabricate false information. 

Six years later, in 2014, Mr. Tran Hoang Ha is now a big boss with the rank of colonel. With an arrogant and thuggish manner, he (Tran Hoang Ha) suppressed the coffee meeting held Human Rights Network of Vietnam Bloggers.

The event on April 19 increasingly reveals the true nature of those who always claim to be "the people's police" and " as long as the party (communist) exists we exist."

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